“This card asks if you are being flexible in a particular situation. It is time to stand in your power and be adaptable to change. Yellow represents the third (solar plexus) chakra. This color pertains to boundaries, so be sure to define yours. It is time to be assertive. Allow yourself to be an individual within a group. Stand up for what you believe in. Identify what is important to you with regard to principles and ethics. Discernment needs to come into play at this time.

This card could be revealing an imbalance in your third chakra. Feeling highly competitive with someone else is a sign of this imbalance. You may also feel defensive or insecure, or have conflicts with others.

Additional Meanings For This Card: Archangels Uriel, Metatron, and Raziel are all associated with this symbol. A shift is about to occur in a job or relationship. It is time to empower yourself or another. You are overthinking this situation.”


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