Message from Archangel Michael: It's time to leave this unhealthy situation.

Message from Archangel Michael: It's time to leave this unhealthy situation.

Archangel Michael has heard your pleas for help, and his answer comes to you through this message: LEAVE!! You have been enduring a toxic situation for far too long, investing time and energy that is not yielding healthful results. This experience is not beneficial for you or the other people involved. You do not need to remain in negativity, beloved one. Walk away without guilt or hesitation.

The Angels will assist you to ensure that the parting is as harmonious as possible, and Archangel Michael will shield and protect you. Follow your inner guidance every step of the way and the transition will be smooth.

Prayer: Archangel Michael, what parts of my life do I need to focus on more closely right now? Thank you for helping me hear your answers and for giving me the courage to make healthy changes in my life.

Thank you Archangel Michael!

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