Message From Archangel Michael: You’ve become embroiled in a situation to the point where you can’t see it objectively. This card indicates that it’s time to step back and obtain a bigger view of the picture. Archangel Michael asks you to detach from the surrounding emotions, and he’ll help you to do so. Michael will also guide you in depersonalizing the experience so you don’t take offense at others’ behavior. This will prevent you from reacting defensively – instead, your actions will stem from love and wisdom.

Give yourself permission to take a time-out, away from the people involved. You don’t need to know the solution right now, as the angels are taking care of the details. What’s important for you is to access a sense of inner peace – a feeling that will lead to new and helpful insights.

Possible Specific Meanings: Don’t take on other people’s arguments – let them work things out for themselves • Be compassionate without carrying someone else’s burden • Ask Archangel Michael to clear your energy • It’s time to leave an unhealthy situation or relationship

Prayer: Archangel Michael, I ask you to use your flaming sword to cut any attachment to fear or drama so that I may be centered in the knowingness that peace is everywhere within me and this situation.

1 comment

Jan 27, 2016

After reading your articles I feel Angels guiding me thank you so much may your wisdom growd

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