Emotional Healing: “As your heart heals of old emotional pain, you receive new blessings and love.”

This card signifies that you are healing some old emotional pain – the first thing that comes to mind is exactly the issue you are resolving. As you let go of anger, guilt, or other emotional wounds, you awaken a new level of power within yourself that attracts everything you desire…and more. Call upon the fairies, as well as supportive people or professionals, to help you through this time of healing. Know that you are lovable and that you deserve a happy heart.

Additional meanings for this card: The situation you are asking about has an emotional basis. Physical healing occurs as a result of emotional healing. You are preparing for a new love by healing old hurts from a previous partnership or relationship. Consult with a professional counselor or join a support group. Journal about your feelings. This situation is bringing about tremendous personal growth.”



Dec 14, 2016

I really need to take a desicion about my relatioshiop can u help

Nov 20, 2016


Nov 15, 2016

Thank you Jesus, Angels and Archangels. I see the relevance to me/my life. Xxx

Aug 27, 2016

Thank you, I would be very grateful for a message for you!im looking for peace of mind, plus inner peace.i am very grateful for my lovely new home, thank you again xxx

Aug 26, 2016
Devenaigee chinapah

I need peace of mind to face all difficulties and injustice I got please help me thanks

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