Your prayers for financial support have been heard, and assistance is here for you now. It comes in wonderfully unexpected ways.

Remain in a state of gratitude that says that the money is already here, even if there's no visible evidence of it yet. When you feel grateful before the demonstration of supply occurs, it reveals your trust. Trust is the energy that draws riches to you without delay. Affirm frequently "Thank you for all of the support, supply, abundance, and money that you bring to me. I am grateful for these riches, which I use in Divine ways to bring blessings to the earth."

Your supply may show up in the form of money, or it may come as new opportunities, brilliant ideas, or gifts from others. Bless and honour the Angels gifts however they come to you. Your gratitude ensures continual, overflowing abundance in your life.


May 23, 2017
Palesa Pangalele

I am so happy and most grateful for the fruitful outcome of my financial break through. I affirm
continuous abundance in all areas of my life, easily and frequently. And So It Is!!

May 23, 2017
eugene richard

Thank you ever so much for all the support you have given me not to mention the abundance of supply, money that you promise me. I truly am grateful for all these riches,i am truly blessed .

Apr 22, 2017

Thank you for the message I really do appreciate it. God bless you too.

Apr 01, 2017

Thank you for all the support and money you bring to me I’am very blessed for all you bring to me

Feb 20, 2017
Eugene richard

Thank you so very much I truly hope it happens so I can help my Dauther and her family and so I can have things that people take adage of how lucky they are Amen

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