Archangel Michael and other angels are protecting you and your loved ones… including your family and friends in heaven. This card is a sign that you can relax, knowing that the archangel is taking care of the details and safeguarding you and your loved ones in all ways.

Possible Specific Meanings: Give worriesand cares to God and the angels • Your financial needs are being taken care of • Your business is protected • It’s safe to travel • A loved one in heaven is happy and sending you love • Remember that worries are a form of prayer, so only pray for that which you desire

Prayer: Dear God and Archangel Michael, thank you for watching over me and my loved ones [name specific individuals]. Please help me feel secure and at peace; and fill me with faith so that I may focus on my priorities and enjoy a healthful, happy life.

1 comment

Dec 25, 2016
Palesa Pangalele

Dear God and Archangel Micheal, thank you for watching over me and my
loved ones (Tlhalefo, Phenyo, Otsile, Lydia Pangalele). Please help me feel
secure and at peace, and fill me with faith so that I may focus on my priorities
and enjoy a healthful, happy life.

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